Saturday 6 August 2011

“it is our choices, harry, that show who we truly are, far more than our abilities” ~ albus dumbledore

choice /tʃɔɪs/ noun, adjective, choic·er, choic·est.

1. an act or instance of choosing; selection:
2. the right, power, or opportunity to choose; option:
3. the person or thing chosen or eligible to be chosen: This book is my choice. He is one of many choices for the award.
4. an alternative:
5. an abundance or variety from which to choose:

choices. the choices we make reflect on us as people, they determine how we live our lives, how others see us. why are some so easy to make, others almost impossible? In life, nothing is that simple – we have to make the choice between what is easy and what is right. throughout our lives we have to choose – from mundane things such as what to have for lunch, to what school or university to attend, where to live. and those small decisions with big consequences, sometimes disastrous. those choices that perhaps weren't so good that affected you and everyone around you. supposedly everything is a choice. we can choose how we deal with things, we can chose not to be depressed. me can choose to get better from a cold. Its pretty simple when you put it like that. I don't think its that simple. everyone is different. maybe there are too many variables for that to be true. maybe there is something or someone else that decides. maybe I just choose not to believe?

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