Thursday 6 October 2011

what am i? w h o am i?

i'm an angel, i'm a devil,
i am sometimes in between,
i'm as bad it can get,
and good as it can be,
sometimes i'm a million colors,
sometimes i'm black and white,
i am all extremes,
try figure me out you never can,
there's so many things i am.

i am special,
i am beautiful,
i am wonderful,
and powerful,
sometimes i'm miserable,
sometimes i'm pitiful,
but that's so typical of all the things i am.

i'm someone filled with self-belief,
and haunted by self-doubt,
i've got all the answers,
i've got nothing figured out,
i like to be by myself,
i hate to be alone,
i'm up and i am down,
but that's part of the thrill,
part of the plan,
part of all of the things I am.

i am special,
i am beautiful,
i am wonderful,
and powerful,
sometimes i'm miserable,
sometimes i'm pitiful,
but that's so typical of all the things i am.

i'm a million contradictions,
sometimes i make no sense,
sometimes i'm perfect,
sometimes i'm a mess,
sometimes i'm not sure who i am.

i am special,
i am beautiful,
i am wonderful,
and powerful,
sometimes i'm miserable,
sometimes i'm pitiful,
but that's so typical of all the things I am.

i am special,
i am beautiful,
i am wonderful,
and powerful,
sometimes i'm miserable,
sometimes i'm pitiful,
but that's so typical of all the things i am,
of all the things i am,
sometimes i'm miserable,
sometimes i'm pitiful,
but that's so typical of all the things I am,
of all the things i am.
~ hilary duff - i am 

" h e l l "

every hell is different,' he said. 'it's what we do with our hell that defines us. do we take drugs and pretend that hell doesnt exist? do we wear hell like a badge? do we curl up and sulk in the corner somewhere? do we swallow it and die slowly as it eats us from the inside? do we build a fortress and make it a private hell? do we paint smiles on our faces and pretend hell doesnt exist? do we drag everyone down with us? 
~ happy as larry - scot gardner (page 213)

Sunday 2 October 2011

"and the shark, it has tears, and they run down it's face, but the shark lives in the water, so no one see the tears."

"we would be so much happier with the things we do have if we weren't so unhappy with the things we don't have."

"the past is histroy, the future is a mystery, now is a gift, that's why we call it the present."

"in the limelight, i play it all fine, but i can't handle it when i turn off my night light"

i miss your soft lips, i miss your white sheets,
i miss the scratch of your unshaved face on my cheek,
and this is so hard 'cause i didn't see
that you were the love of my life and it kills me.

i see your face in strangers on the street,
i still say your name when i'm talking in my sleep,
and in the limelight, i play it all fine,
but i can't handle it when i turn off my night light.

but i can't handle it when i turn off my night light.

they say that true love hurts, well this could almost kill me,
young love murder, that is what this must be,
i would give it all to not be sleeping alone.

the life is fading from me while you watch my heart bleed,
young love murder, that is what this must be,
i would give it all to not be sleeping alone.

i remember the time we jumped the fence when,
the stones were playing and we were too broke to get in,
you held my hand and they made me crawl,
i swear to god it was the best night of my life.

or when you took me across the world,
we promised that this would last forever but now i see,
it was my past life, a beautiful time,
drunk off of nothing but each other 'til the sunrise.

Drunk off of nothing but each other 'til the sunrise,
they say that true love hurts, well this could almost kill me,
young love murder, that is what this must be,
i would give it all to not be sleeping alone.

the life is fading from me while you watch my heart bleed,
young love murder, that is what this must be,
i would give it all to not be sleeping alone.

it was a past life, a beautiful time,
drunk off of nothing but each other 'til the sunrise.

they say that true love hurts, well this could almost kill me,
Young love murder, that is what this must be,
i would give it all to not be sleeping alone.

the life is fading from me while you watch my heart bleed,
young love murder, that is what this must be,
i would give it all to not be sleeping alone.

~ ke$ha - the harold song.